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Our most popular "inhouse" training on Solr. Given in French or in English. This 2 days training targets developers or project managers willing to understand and use Lucene / Solr.

Does not require any prerequisite on search engines or on Java.

This training will be providing you with strong foundations on Lucene/Solr, both on the concepts and the best practices. The training comes with exercices on the concepts and theories explained during the courses.
It is recommended to have prior knowledge on development or an applications management.

Details of the two days

Day 1 Day 2
Concepts of a search engine Sorting the results
Challenges tackled Facets
Introduction to Lucene/Solr Indexing rich documents
Admin User Interface Finding similar documents (more like this)
Ranking calculus Results highlighting
Installing Solr Spellchecker
Indexing data and deleting them Autocomplete
Querying Solr Solr Java Client (SolrJ)
Solr config files Using several cores
Configuring the schema Data Import Handler

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