# Predictive Analytics Today
The analyst site Predictive Analytics Today did a review on Datafari, in the Enterprise Search Category.
Our press review You'll find here some of our talks or interviews, done during events or based on interviews we had with journalists.
The analyst site Predictive Analytics Today did a review on Datafari, in the Enterprise Search Category.
The analyst site Capterra did a review of Datafari in the Enterprise Search category.
The "La Tribune" online newspaper interviewed us for our use case of Datafari on Oil and Gas.
The "La Tribune" online newspaper interviewed us for the release of Datafari 1.0
Alliancy Magazine did an article about us for our victory at the IT Innovation Forum.
Webtimemedias talked about the release of Datafari v1.
The web magazine Collaboratif Info did an article about our talk at the Search Day in Paris. This article highlights the key elements of the migration from Exalead to Apache Solr, done for the Institut Français du Cheval et de l'équitation.
The web magazine Collaboratif Info did an article on the installation and usage of Datafari as an intranet search engine for DBI Services. A perfect opportunity to discover a use case with customer feedback.
The "Veille Magazine" website did a video interview during the Documation conference, in March 2014. This interview addresses the usage of open source in companies. We are giving this interview together with Patrick Duverger (CIO of the city of Antibes), who explains why he chose Datafari as the search engine for the employees of the city. The interview also deals with the integration of Datafari and Freedatamap, in order to expose a simple UI to dig into structured data (BI) and unstructured data (documents)
Nice Matin did an article about our qualification to the european SAP Teched in 2013.
The Journal des Entreprises did a portrait of France Labs on Oct. 4th, 2013, about our challenges and the evolution of our portfolio.
WebTimeMedias also covered the press conference of Antibes on July, 1st about the deployment of our search engine within the city of Antibes
Nice Matin covered the press conference on July, 1st, about the release of the search engine from France Labs for the city of Antibes. MMr Jean Leonetti, mayor of Antibes, and Mr Patrick Duverger, CIO of the city of Antibes, were among the invited speakers.
WebTimeMedias highlights the partnership between from LucidWorks and France Labs from the France area, and the new training setup by France Labs in PACA.
Profiting from our presence at Documation in Paris on March 2012, Philippe Guerrier from ITEspresso.fr did a video interview on France Labs.
L’Avenir Côte d’Azur did another article about France Labs.
WebTimeMedias presents France Labs and its platinum partnership with Doculibre in Europe.
L’Avenir Côte d’Azur did a short article to present France Labs.
Nice Matin did a nice article about the kick off of France Labs.