Profit from our expertise

This 2 days training will deepen your knowledge of Solr. The notions taught here are a follow up to the Solr Initiale training.

It is recommended to follow the first Solr Initiale training prior to this one, or a similar experience.

The training comes with exercices on the concepts and theories explained during the courses. This training introduces advanced Solr functionalities, a deep knowledge of underlying mechanisms and best practices to build robust and distributed applications.
Does not require any prerequisite on search engines or on Java.

Details of the two days

Day 1 Day 2
Architecture of Solr Compiling and debugging Solr
Advanced relevancy Plugin development
Advanced facets Optimisation of the resources
Commit strategies Statistics tools
Tuning caches Replication mechanisms / Distributed Search
Geolocalised search SolrCloud
Update processors New in Solr 6: Streaming API
Data binding Solr and its ecosystem

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